Friday, November 20, 2009

Xenophobics in the West expel those different to themselves?

Xenophobics in the West expel those different to themselves eg the brown skinned and the dark skinned.

Let's say u wish this to happen.

There goes your medical team needed to save your white skin when you are having a heart attack. Doesn't matter anyway, as u support eugenics, too - so u have to die so the strong survives and the weak dies or is obliterated.

There goes NASA and your IT industry, too as u have to expel all those Asians from their jobs.

There goes all your gas stations, they r owned by Asians.

Chit, there goes ur credit, too - China owns u.

There goes ur labour force - blacks and brownies do all the dirty work, anyway.

What's left for u? Nothing.

Be thank-ful for those making ur life easier.

As for all those non-whites.

You are the cogs that make this unbalanced system, particularly of the USA, to work. You make it possible for the USofA to impose their cruel will on the rest of the world.

When I say USA, I mean those few in control of it, not the people.

Xenophobics in the West expel those different to themselves?
Ranting is fun.
Reply:Sounds more like a rant to me, but who knows.
Reply:Total bollocks

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