Thursday, May 7, 2009

Studying Botany?

I'm really starting to love plants and have such a great facination and admiration for them. What interests me is their productive role in our enviroment ( not interested in enviromental issues) such as providing us with food, medicines and their natural healing properties. I have read a little on ethnobotany and find it facinating but don't wish to specialize in it. Also their uses in the skin care/beauty/aromatherapy industry.

I also would be interested in learning anything about their aesthetic beauty ie why they are different colours, why they produce fragances. Their secret little world like their senstivity to stimuli and of course the usual stuff like breading and gentetics.

Would any of these topics be covered in a botany degree? What actually is covered? Given my above interests, would botany be a ideal path for me? A friend suggested I study horticulture but I have no interest in planting and landscaping.

Studying Botany?
Sounds like you should aim at horticultural research as a field to work in ... study horticultural science but major in plant breeding and genetics. Given the interests you list, a regular botany degree would not suit you.
Reply:As far as I know.... the hormones present in the plants are responsible for their fascinating characteristics..... like ours....

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