Thursday, May 7, 2009

Is it common for the surgical pen (attatched to a broken leg)to poke thru the skin?

My cat recently broke her back right femur in 5 seperate splinters and had to have a surgical pen adhered to the bone with wires. How common is it for it to shift up and actually pierce thru the skin? Does this happen often in the mediacl industry, in humans or animals? What could have caused it?

Is it common for the surgical pen (attatched to a broken leg)to poke thru the skin?
It can. Some procedures (with humans) require either external braces that are acually attatched to the bone via pins and screws. Some are temporary screws that are left sticking out of the bone that eventually may protrude through the skin. The doctors don't make them flush with the surface of the bone because that makes it easier to remove them. However,the inside of bones is sterile. If bacteria is introduced, there could be a severe, life-threatening infection brewing. I would call your cat's vet.
Reply:Dude, take your cat back to the vet!
Reply:you should definatly take your cat back to the vet!
Reply:Probably not very common, but it could be dangerous. Take the cat back to the vet, or at least call. The only things that would probably cause that are a very active cat too soon after surgery or a bad surgery job. If it is the bad surgery job, find a new vet.

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