I know that it is impossible to stop all animal cruelty over night. I also know that it is impossible for people to stop eating meat, buying leather/fur over night. But I am a vegetarian and this issue really effects me. I've heard some really horrible horrible stories about the meat industry. I've heard stories of cows being put into boiling water in order to "soften" their skin to make good leather.
I feel really sad for animals that are put through these horrible pain and suffering. I know that it is a long battle uphill for vegetarians and vegans. But my question is, how can I get involved to bring an end to the cruelty that occurs?
What can I do to help make progress to stop all kinds of animal cruelty around the world?
you could start by not being cruel to animals, I guess, but do you work in a zoo? you may have to change jobs if that's the case.
Reply:I've been thinking about this as well. I say we take pictures of a close-up shot of the face of every man that is involved in animal cruelty, post what he did, post pictures of him doing it, then post it so that the world knows.
He ain't gonna get any if that happens!
Reply:you see i love animals and they love me ive had racoons and possoms hang out with me and have lunch no joke but i dont think being vegetarians gonna help animal cruelty just a couple people arent gonna stop meat production by not eating it. But for me i just dont eat lamb and calf its so sad what they do to them animals they chain them up so they cant walk and just make them lay there so thier meat stays tender its so wrong but u can raise aware ness by posting on sites like this
Reply:Take care of all the animals you can. More power to you. Don't try to change my eating habits however. Join Peta I suppose. Or go work for the Humane Society. You probably can't do a whole hell of a lot on your own so join an organization that shares your beliefs. But again, don't try to change me when it comes to what I eat or don't eat.
Reply:You can do what I do when I see something that needs justice. I write letters, to the company, to anyone who will listen. It might seems stupid to write a letter but honestly people read them and they think about what their customers are saying in them. Without feed back companies think that they are doing well and that people are happy with their product. I do this to clothing companies who are degrating women and I know that they are considering what I'm saying because slowly I've seen a change in their ads. It won't hurt you or them to write a letter. Good luck
Reply:If it makes you feel any better, there are some farmers out there who are good to their farm animals. Even though their final destination is the slaughter house, they are treated with respect. On a farm that a family member of mine had, the cows were allowed to roam and drink from a spring fed pond. He was very concerned for their health and safety. On the coldest and nastiest days he would care for them. One winter I went with him to dig the cows out after a bad snow storm. People told him that the cows would be fine without food or fresh water for a couple of days until the weather was better, but he would not hear of it. So we walked though deep snow and dug the cow path to the pond where we made a hole for the cows to drink. I have never heard of a live cow being boiled. At the local slaughter house it is a quick shot right between the eyes. After, they process the cow. In the wild, animals suffer a horrible death when attacked. Some are still alive while the other animals begin to eat them, ripping the flesh right off the bone as the animal screams in pain and horror.
Although it is true for some places in the world to keep animals in terrible conditions, it is not true for others. Where I grew up, the animals' needs are a high priority. It makes sense to keep the animals happy and healthy as they are the lively-hood of the farm.
Reply:I've campaigned at my school. The problem with a lot of people is they think you're judging them when you tell them to stop supporting animal abuse.
I think what I'm going to do this year is figure out a way to help my local vegan community group. If I can make veganism seem fun (like it is) then hopefully non-vegan people will make a lasting decision to help out in some way.
I've also been thinking about selling the stuffed animals I make at a summer market, or online, and donating the proceeds to a vegan charity. Truth be told, I'm a very introverted girl, and it seems like a good way to help out, and still be shy.
You could hold a vegan bake sale, and donate the money to a local farm sanctuary....!?
Reply:You can help to stop animal cruelty even further by going vegan. You said you are vegetarian so I am guessing that you are either lacto-vegetarian (consume dairy products) or lacto-ovo-vegetarian (consume dairy products and eggs).
By consuming dairy products, you are supporting the beef and veal industry. As long as people are consuming dairy products, cows will still be milk machines chained up, with their final destination being the slaughter. Also, the veal industry is being supported by dairy consumers because the cows are producing milk because they are generally being impregnated... Therefore they produce milk... pretty logical. They give birth to a baby cow that goes on the market as veal (usually killed around 6 mo. or less) or baby cow (killed under 2 mo.)
If you buy eggs you are supporting chicken slaughter in the same way that you would be supporting cow slaughter from buying milk products. The only way you would not be supporting chicken slaughter by consuming eggs is if you had your own 'pet' chicken who you cared for and would never kill, and ate their eggs (although that is kind of weird) or ate someone else's chicken's eggs from a friend who you know for sure took care of their chicken and did not intend on killing them.
Dairies have cows that are 'meant' for the slaughter. Their whole life they are just made as milk machines and when they can no longer produce milk at a fast enough rate, they are sent to be killed. They generally aren't very old at this point either - most of them are about 2 years of age.
Basically, I feel that animals should not be exploited. This means that they are being used by humans for what they have. These animals cannot consent to what is being done to them. I don't think that a cow is saying "Inseminate me, please! And then milk me for all that I have! Oh, and when I do have my baby that I will love a lot, take him away, lock him up, don't feed him so that his meat will be tender, and kill him at less than 6 months! I really want that!!!" And I bet most chickens probably would not want to just stay in a tiny enclosed cage with 5 other chickens pecking at them, and being forced to lay so many eggs per day.
These animals are being treated worse than slaves. I hope that some day the cruelty to animals will be looked upon how slavery is looked at in most places today. In the US, most people look at slavery that we had as a horrible blunder. A dark point in US history. These animals are treated as slaves.
So you can help by not consuming their products. What you are doing as a vegetarian now is awesome, so I hope you will not look at this as an attack. By even lowering your consumption of dairy/eggs you would be helping a tremendous amount more.
You can also stop buying animal products - especially leather. I know a lot of vegetarians who still buy leather which isn't very vegetarian of them!!! It's not much different than eating the cow. You are wearing their skin!
Anyway... another way you can help is to inform other people about this kind of stuff.. You don't have to be preachy (sort of like what I was doing), but you can inform your friends if they have a sincere desire. If I talk to people who have a sincere desire to know about my reasons for being vegan, I will tell them as much as they want to know. If people do not ask, they probably do not want to hear about it. It might make them "lose their appetitite" - which it very well should!!
I say if anything out there is gross enough to make me not want to eat the food I'm eating, then I just shouldn't be eating the damn thing!
Well, good luck to you in your vegetarian endeavors.
Reply:I think you need to concentrate on educating people in a logical unemotional manner, focusing on facts.
The facts are bad enough to not have to exaggerate.
Present facts to people who are in listening mode.
There are plenty of peole who try to teach via "outrage". This doesn't work. just think about the opposite. When meaty-trolls here tell you to eat meat, what do you do ? You just dismiss them as idiots. So, remember that and teach, not preach.
Look at Nilika vs Dylan above. Who gets more attention in the long run ?? Someone who insults, or someone who present logic ? I'll remember Nilika's comments but Dylan ?? wasn't he a song writer or something, thats all i remember about him
Reply:Take the advice given to you by NIkka and Michael H. Also, I will leave a couple of links that I think will help you. One is for Meetup.com. You can use this sight in order to find other animal rights advocates in your area. Activists get a lot more accomplished when they work in teams. Once you've met enough people you can start potlucks or start a veg society
for your city or town.
The second link I will leave is for Farm Sanctuary. It's one of the best animal rights and rescue organizations you can support.
You can also go to Peta's sight and look at the "Adopt a College program". You'll find some of the most open minded people at Universities and technical schools.
Reply:Nilika, I had never thought that about eating eggs and milk :-(
You have great answers here.This issue also worries me and in third world countries the treatment of these animals is still worse.
Animals have as much right as any human to have a dignified life. Having animals with no living conditions just waiting to be killed is barbaric. As it is barbaric the way dogs are kept in China just to be killed an eaten, as it is barbaric so many tortures to animals, even the way some owners treat their own pets :-(
What I do is I sign as many petitions as possible and donate when I can (even if it is a little amount) to many organizations. I daily go to this place where is possible to find a large amount of petitions and information about sites that protect humans, animals and planet earth:
Reply:First, write to the FDA and politely ask that they enforce stricker standards for animal enterprises to reduce suffering of animals. Secondly, educate people on what happens in these factories. Third, write to congress asking that animals not be used in experimentation and request that alternatives to animal testing be mandated. You can write to individual companies requesting they use or construct more humane items. For example the wet seal uses rabbit fur in their clothing line. You could write to them requesting they use a fake fur alternative. You can create a display board and place it in your local library, health food store, or other location that might educate people on humane options. Whatever you do don't go and do something radical that makes every humane person look bad. The goal is to create peace and you can't create peace with violence. Identify a problem, educate others on the problem, and suggest an alternative. This is the best advice I can give you and while it might not help all the time if we get one step closer to a humane world we have accomplished a goal and that is what matters.
Reply:First and foremost, be kind. People who are hostile towards perpetrators of animal cruelty actually harm the movement towards ending it.
Lets say there are two speakers on podiums. One is showing their teeth and speaking of violent acts to protect animals, the other is speaking of the love and respect of all living things. Who do you think will sway others towards a more animal friendly lifestyle.
Reply:Easy question,difficult answer.The fact is that animal cruelty touches almost every aspect of our lives including the cosmetics and drugs that you use without giving a second thought or the milk we drink etc etc.Even the forests lands that have cleared to fill our never ending appetite is a cruelty to animals as without forests animals die and become extinct slowly or have to adjust to human way of life.
However on a individual level one can act in ways that will help animal cause.Some of them you have mentioned.The most important is not only to be completely vegetarian but also by not being extravagant.Food should only be taken as a necessity and not as a luxury.Cloths should be worn for longer period of time and not change the wardrobe after few wear.Any product that has animal origin should be avoided.Also,talking to people you know about this issue and bringing their attention is a big step as society starts to get involved.However,this step may make you a laughing stock and insensitive people will will tag you as crazy :)
Reply:you could try PETA or protest some cruel industry such as KFC or a make-up company that tests on animals.
Reply:That is such bullshit. I have personal experience with slaughter houses and relatives and friends on farms. All the slaughter houses and farms I have been to have never mishandled an single animal, and have killed them in the most painless ways possible. The only places that treat animals like crap are countries where humans are not treated much better. In which case, I think humans should get priority.
What really pisses me off about idiots like you is, how you "care so much" about your precious fυcking animals, yet humans are being killed everyday, and you vegaloonies don't seem to give a shιt. Try to fix the fυcking problems with your own species before helping God damn animals.
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