Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Man's best friend" killed for?

China's Shocking Dog and Cat Fur Trade

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"Man's best friend" killed for fur? It's not just a bad dream. PETA recently conducted an undercover investigation into the Chinese dog and cat fur trade to show you what the industry is so desperate to hide. Even our veteran investigators were horrified at what they found: Millions of dogs and cats in China are being bludgeoned, hanged, bled to death, and strangled with wire nooses so that their fur can be turned into trim and trinkets. This fur is often deliberately mislabeled as fur from other species and is exported to countries throughout the world to be sold to unsuspecting customers in retail stores. China supplies more than half of the finished fur garments imported for sale in the United States, so the bottom line is that because dog and cat fur is so often mislabeled, if you're buying fur, there's no way to tell whose skin you're wearing.

"Man's best friend" killed for

"Man's best friend" killed for?
It wasn't too long ago small animals, such as cats and small dogs were sacrificed as rituals in Sunday services. Candles were lit, and at least one animal per household was sacrificed. Two were preferred if it was a larger family.

Is this voodoo? They have beliefs about good luck, etc, depending on which side the dead animal lands. It is a belief from the islands which are territories of the United States of America, it is a lot closer than China.

I am scared to say anymore as this was a family tradition centuries ago, and we are beginning a new century.

Aruba is no different, although a lot further south, south of the Equator. They have different practices, which aren't cannibalism, this frightens most, although they definitely use small animals differently than we would allow and consider normal.
Reply:. . . . . Killing cows for?? Killing fish for?? Killing pigs for?? Killing deer for?? get over it.
Reply:I saw the clandestine video on World CNN and was upset for days. The men doing this were really getting off on tormenting the animals before they killed them.
Reply:Yes. They have been doing this for a while. But you know other animals are killed for food and clothing. Just because they are not animals we usually have as pets does not mean they deserve less.
Reply:Wearing dog or cat fur sounds nasty, not something I would personally want to do.

However, if someone wants to wear fur, it is their decision.

I don't trust anything PETA says. They are pretty close to being a terrorist organization, and some of their members are extremists.
Reply:yes is terrible
Reply:is terrible
Reply:I would ignore what PETA says- they have an unfortunate tendency to exaggerate and lie about a lot of things that they think will advance their agenda, which includes no ownership of any animal by any person, ever, and forcing everyone on the planet to become a vegan, which is a lifestyle that is both repulsive and nutritionally disadvantageous to me. Also, don't forget that PETA and groups like it are not afraid to resort to eco-terrorism and terroristic activities if they think it will advance their cause. So the Chinese kill and eat dogs and cats for food or for fur-so what? We do the same thing here with our beef cattle, our pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits, deer, and all of our domesticated poultry. The people at PETA need to get a life and realize that some things will NEVER change, and this is one of them. It isn't the US's place to try to legislate or dictate the morality of other countries, or to try to force our opinions or way of life on other nations just because we happen to dislike or disagree with some of the things they do. As a nation, we have been trying to do exactly that in Iraq, and look where it has gotten us- we now have over 3,500 of our own troops dead because of our arrogant attitudes. Just because we don't like this practice that the Chinese have, doesn't mean we have a right to dictate to them about it. PETA's attitudes disgust me- they are a sick organization at times, one the preys on peoples' fears and suspicions and drives people apart.

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