Saturday, April 24, 2010

Any cosmetologists or other beauty professionals here?

I would love to hear from anyone who is a cosmetologist, easthetican, nail tech., anyone in the beauty industry, about your career. I am a paralegal but thinking of going to cosmetolgy school . I was enrolled once but I have tendonitis in my shoulder, and that prompted me to get a PL degree instead. My shoulder still hurts, but I am still very interested in cosmetology. My questions are basically: do you find there are a lot of career opportunities? How is the pay? Does cosmetology school really prepare you for makeup application and skin care? The school I'm looking at claims to, but they must not cover it too thoroughly or they wouldn't have an easthetics class, right? I'm also interested in nails, but don't think I would want to do just that. I wish there was a course that combined everything! Also, how physically demanding is this type of work, would you do it with tendonitis in your shoulder?? Any information about this type of career would be greatly appreciated!

Any cosmetologists or other beauty professionals here?
It all depends on the state. Each state has its own regulations so your school will be within its state's mandates. Where I work I only do hair but I could do nails and makeup. The nail tech class is good if you want to do acrylic nails as this will give you good practice making the nails look good. I am planning on getting my esthetician's license soon so I can do more with electricity. This business is definitely hard on the body so if you are not used to standing for hours then I would recommend building up your tolerance. As for your shoulder you can talk to a kinesthetic specialist to see if your shoulder will get worse. He/she can recommend exercises to strengthen your body.

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